Last Updated on November 23, 2019 by technoreview85
In this article I am going to describe how you can make an internet Radio & popular streaming service player using Raspberry pi.
we are going to use The Pi Music Box. using it you can make a cheap (Sonos-like) standalone streaming music player for Spotify, Google Music, SoundCloud, Webradio, Podcasts and other music from the cloud. Or from your own collection from a device in your network (More details)
You need to make
- Raspberry pi 3b or 3b+
- EP to EP audio cable
- 5 volt 2 amp charger for power supply
- USB card reader
- 2 GB or more micro SD card
- an audio amplifier or any music player which supports Aux in
Software need
- Etcher software Download from here
- Pi music Box Image Download from here
- Any Ip address finder app I am using ” HUM wifi” android app
The connection is very easy just connect your audio player’s Aux in to raspberry pi 3.5 audio out using EP to Ep audio cable.
and connect raspberry pi & audio player to power source.
Preparing the SD card
We have to flash the pi musicbox image to sd card using the etcher software the video has details about it.
After complete the sd card flashing, insert it to raspberry pi.
Define your WiFi network & enable the ssh
To define your network on pi music box you have to change the setting file which is inside of SD card/config folder
For control the music box remotely over the WiFi you have to enable SSH ( please watch the video tutorial for more details)
Operating the Radio
You can operate your online radio using your smart phone, Tablet or Laptop.
at first we have to find the raspberry pi IP address. you can find the specific IP address in your WiFi router setting or you can use any wifi IP address founder app which will show all connected devices of your router.( I am using HUM WiFi app for it. check the app)
good project ;need to learn it