Home security system project with Hall effect sensor

Last Updated on September 18, 2020 by technoreview85

Home security system
Home security system

Sometimes we need to use a burglar alarm for our home security. Here is a circuit for electronic hobbyist for making own electronic home security system using a hall sensor & magnet.

Use of this electronic home security system

It can be used on door, window, storage door or wardrobes.

How does works this home security system

When this device is turned on & anyone trying to open the door then alarm will go on. Here you can choose an alarm tone from 3 different siren tones. This circuit is based on a ROM ic Um 3561. This ic can generate 4 different siren tones.

Another project with ROM IC UM 66

Here we are using a hall sensor which can detect the magnetic field.

When you keep a small magnet near the hall sensor then the siren goes off but if the hall sensor does not get any magnet near it then the alarm ringing repeatedly.

Home security system
Home security system installed on a door frame

You need to make

All the components used in this project are ordered from quartzcomponents.com.
They can deliver components all over India.

At quartzcomponents.com , you can find all good quality components & parts at a low price. All components links are below.

Parts List –

IC 3561BUY
Transistor 2N2222 BUY
Transistor Bc 548B BUY
Hall sensor A3144BUY
Small magnetBUY
8 pin ic baseBUY
Resistor 10k 2pcsBUY
Resistor 470KBUY
Resistor 330 ohmsBUY
3.3v zener diodeBUY
100 UF Capacitor BUY
9v batteryBUY
Dotted perfboardBUY
Male headerBUY
Female headerBUY

How does this circuit working

This circuit mainly based on Rom IC UM3561 siren sound generator & A3144 hall effect sensor.

Hall sensor
Hall sensor A3144

The hall sensor giving a single on bc548b transistor base when it not detecting any magnetic field.

The 548 b transistor turn on the
Ic by giving positive voltage on ic pin 5 which is VCC of ic 3561

The 2N 2222 transistor used as an audio amplifier

We are using 3 male header pins for selecting a tone of the siren. this ic can generate 4 different siren tone but in this circuit, we are using 3 tones.

Electronic burglar alarm or home security circuit
Electronic burglar alarm or home security circuit

Tone selection

Tone selection pin of the ic is pin 1 & 6
We are connecting
ic pin 5 (+) & 1,

Ic pin 5 (+) & 6,

Open all pins for 3 different tons.

You can use a 2 pole 3-way switch instead of the header pins

Circuit diagram of a burglar alarm

electronic security system circuit
electronic security system circuit

Here I prepared a practical connection diagram for better understand

electronic security system circuit
electronic security system circuit

The video tutorial may help you

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